Routing API Developer's Guide

Why Use the Routing API?

HERE Routing API can be used in a variety of consumer and enterprise applications including

  • Fleet Tracking applications
  • Navigation and traffic web portals
  • Navigation and routing on mobile devices
  • Logistics (tour optimization)
  • Freight and vehicle exchange portals

Customization Options

You can tailor the route calculation for different use cases by

  • defining areas or links that the route must not cross
  • selecting a means of transportation, such as car or pedestrian
  • selecting a route type such as fastest or shortest
  • deciding whether to consider current traffic (including incidents and traffic flow), recurring time related restrictions (turns, high-occupancy vehicles, reversible roads), seasonal closures and speed limits, as well as short and long-term closures
  • defining custom penalty parameters to determine the weighting for using specific road attributes in the route calculation, for example, toll road, motorway, boat and rail ferries