Calculate isoline routing at a specific time

To calculate an isoline around an origin with a specific time, use departureTime. For a reverse isoline, that is, when using destination, you can use arrivalTime.

If departureTime or arrivalTime are specified as "any", the isoline calculation will not take traffic flow and other time-dependent effects into account. This can be useful when it is not certain for what time of the day the isoline needs to be computed. departureTime=any is often referred to as "planning mode", and can be useful when the departure or arrival time of the route are not known in advance. Note that sending the same request with the parameter departureTime=any at different times may result in different responses.

curl -X GET \
Example isoline representing a travel time period of five minutes from the center of Berlin
Figure 1. Example isoline representing a travel time period of five minutes from the center of Berlin

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