Calculate distance-based isoline routing

A distance-based isoline, also called an Isodistance, can be requested using range[type]=distance and providing range[values] in meters.

mode can be either:

  • short: In this mode the isoline calculation simulates route calculation from start to destination minimizing route distance, disregarding any speed information.
  • fast: In this mode the isoline calculation simulates route calculation from start to destination minimizing travel time.

The request below calculates a 4 km isoline in the short mode. The response answers the question: what area can I reach by driving 4 km or less, while trying to take the shortest possible route?

curl -X GET \
Example isoline representing the travel distance of 4 km from the center of Berlin
Figure 1. Example isoline representing the travel distance of 4 km from the center of Berlin

The request below calculates a 4 km isoline around the center of Berlin in the fast mode. The response answers the question: what area can I reach by driving 4 km or less, while trying to take the fastest possible route?

curl -X GET \
Example isoline representing a travel distance of 4 km from the center of Berlin while driving the fastest possible route
Figure 2. Example isoline representing a travel distance of 4 km from the center of Berlin while driving the fastest possible route

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