SDK for iOS Developer's Guide

Transit Information

Your application can use API calls from SDK for iOS to display transit information for users.

Note: The transit map schemes (NMAMapSchemeNormalDayTransit, NMAMapSchemeNormalNightTransit, and NMAMapSchemeHybridDayTransit) are specifically designed for displaying transit information. You can optionally use one of these map schemes when your app displays transit information.


Map transit data is displayed as a layer over a map area. To customize this transit layer, set transitDisplayMode property available in the NMAMapView class. For example, to show all transit information available:

// Assumes map is instantiated
mapView.transitDisplayMode = NMAMapTransitDisplayModeEverything;
Figure 1. MapTransitLayer set to show everything

To show only transit stops and accesses, call:

// Assumes map is instantiated
mapView.transitDisplayMode = NMAMapTransitDisplayModeStopAndAccess;
Figure 2. MapTransitLayer set to show only transit stops and accesses

To hide all transit information call:

// Assumes map is instantiated
mapView.transitDisplayMode = NMAMapTransitDisplayModeNothing;
Note: transitDisplayMode settings may be affected when you change map schemes. For example, changing the map scheme to NMAMapSchemeNormalDayTransit enables "everything" mode. It is advisable that map scheme changes occur before changes in transitDisplayMode.

Map Transit Mode Example on GitHub

You can find an example that demonstrates this feature at (Obj-C) and (Swift).

Highlighting Transit Objects

The following four types of transit data objects are available:
  • Transit Stop data - represented by NMATransitStop
  • Transit Line data - represented by NMATransitLine
  • Transit Access data - represented by NMATransitAccess
  • Transit System Info data - represented by NMATransitSystem

These types of data are represented by NMATransitObject presentation objects, which are child instances of NMAProxyObject. They can be selected through tap gestures and passed to NMATransitManager to request for the appropriate data object.

The following is an example of using an NMATransitObject to retrieve a data object. If the tapped object was a transit line, then your application receives transitManager:didGetLineInfo:forId: callback with a populated NMATransitLine. Note that the retrieved transit data object has the same uniqueId as transitObject.

// assuming that this class adopts the NMATransitManagerDelegate protocol
[NMATransitManager sharedTransitManager].delegate = self;
// the transitObject is an NMATransitObject
[[NMATransitManager sharedTransitManager] requestInfoForObject:transitObject];

Depending on the use case there are several ways of getting a single one or a list of Identifier objects from a transit line.

  • Use uniqueId property when the user has selected an NMATransitLine
  • Use NMATransitStop.lineIds property when the user has selected an NMATransitStop. It returns a list of Identifier of the lines connected to this selected transit stop.

For details of handling tappable NMAProxyObject see Objects and Interaction.

With a single one or a list of unique identifiers you can call the following API to highlight the lines:

// Assumes mapView is instantiated and uniqueId is a valid identifier
[mapView.mapTransitLayer highlightTransitLinesFromUniqueIds:@[uniqueId]];
Figure 3. MapTransitLayer highlighting transit lines connected to the selected transit stop


An NMATransitStop object contains information about a transit stop. The following figures show the different types of transit stops:

Figure 4. NMATransitStop: A metro station
Figure 5. NMATransitStop: A ferry station

To acquire the TransitStopObject, implement transitManager:didGetStopInfo:forId: method in the NMATransitManagerDelegate protocol and perform a request from NMATransitManager.

The TransitStopObject class provides the following properties for getting information about the transit stop:

  • location - gets the location coordinates of the transit stop
  • officialName - gets the official name of the transit stop
  • informalName - gets the informal name of the transit stop
  • uniqueId - gets the identifier of the transit stop
  • systemIds - gets the transit system this transit stop belongs to, it can be more than one
  • lineIds - gets a list of Identifier objects for transit lines connected to this transit stop

You can also use hasTransitType:type method to see whether this stop supports a transit type. For example, a transit stop may support both public bus and a metro railway.


An NMATransitLine object contains information about a transit line. The following figure shows some examples of different types of transit lines:

Figure 6. Three types of transit lines: Metro, Train, and Water

To acquire the NMATransitLine, implement transitManager:didGetLineInfo:forId: method in the NMATransitManagerDelegate protocol and perform a request from NMATransitManager.

NMATransitLine provides a unique identifier as a class property. This identifier can be submitted to the NMAMapTransitLayer to highlight this line on the map (see NMAMapTransitDisplayMode).

The NMATransitLine class contains transit line information in the following properties:

  • officialName - gets the official name of the transit line
  • informalName - gets the informal name of the transit line
  • shortName - gets the short name of the transit line
  • transitType - gets the transit types (NMATransitType) this transit line belongs to
  • color - gets the color associated with the line, if available
  • systemId - gets the transit system this transit line belongs to
  • uniqueId - gets the identifier of the transit line


An NMATransitAccess object contains information about a transit access. A transit access is an entrance/exit to a transit stop. There can be multiple transit accesses to a transit stop.

Transit access is presented as a smaller transit stop, with a downward triangle attached to the bottom, that is only visible in higher zoom levels. The icons presenting the transit stops and accesses vary between different countries and companies. The following images show two examples:

Figure 7. Transit Stop and Access: Metro Station with Single Access
Figure 8. Transit Stop and Access: Metro Station with Multiple Accesses

To acquire the NMATransitAccess, implement transitManager:didGetAccessInfo:forId: method in the NMATransitManagerDelegate protocol and perform a request from NMATransitManager.

The NMATransitAccess provides the following properties for getting information about the transit access:

  • location - gets the location coordinates of this transit access
  • name - gets the name of this transit access
  • stopId - gets a unique identifier of the transit stop this transit access leads to
  • uniqueId - gets the identifier of the transit line


The NMATransitSystem class contains information about a public transit system that can be accessed by calling one or more of the following properties:

  • officialName - gets the official name of the transit system
  • website - gets the website URL of the transit system
  • companyOfficialName - gets the official transit system company name
  • companyWebsite - gets the website URL of the transit system company
  • companyRoutePlannerWebsite - gets the route planner URL of the transit system company
  • companyScheduleWebsite - gets the schedule url of the transit system company
  • companyTelephoneNumber - gets the phone number of the transit system company

To acquire the NMATransitSystem, implement transitManager:didGetSystemInfo:forId: method in the NMATransitManagerDelegate protocol and perform a request from NMATransitManager.


The NMATransitManager class is responsible for querying transit information of various types from a unique identifier with an NMATransitManagerDelegate for monitoring query results and triggering appropriate callback methods upon completion. Applications can call [NMATransitManager sharedTransitManager] class method to retrieve an NMATransitManager for querying transit information.

NMATransitManagerDelegate can be used to monitor query results from the NMATransitManager. It is required to be implemented within the application and submitted as part of the asynchronous query request.

The NMATransitManagerDelegate protocol contains the following callbacks:

  • transitManager:didGetLineInfo:forId: - provides an NMATransitLine object
  • transitManager:didGetStopInfo:forId: - provides an NMATransitStop object
  • transitManager:didGetAccessInfo:forId: - provides an NMATransitAccess object
  • transitManager:didGetSystemInfo:forId: - provides an NMATransitSystem object
  • transitManager:didCompleteWithError: - signifies the asynchronous query request has completed. Please note that NMATransitManager rejects all subsequent requests unless it has completed the current request. An NMATransitManagerErrorBusy results if the NMATransitManager is busy. 

An asynchronous request is submitted to the NMATransitManager along with OnGetTransitInfoListener. Note that the NMATransitManager instance is created by simply calling NMATransitManager constructor.

Transit-related enumerations

  • NMATransitObjectType enum - represents values describing different transit object types: NMATransitObjectTypeAccess, NMATransitObjectTypeLine or NMATransitObjectTypeStop
  • NMATransitType enum - represents values describing possible types of transit such as NMATransitTypePublicBus, NMATransitTypeLightRail or NMATransitTypeWater