
The Matrix Routing service is an HTTP JSON API that calculates routing matrices, travel times and/or distances, of up to 10,000 origins and 10,000 destinations. A routing matrix is a matrix with rows labeled by origins and columns by destinations. Each entry of the matrix is the travel time or distance from the origin to the destination.

The Matrix Routing service supports the following use cases:

  • Calculate a routing matrix with custom options and dynamic traffic applied, given the origins and destinations are within a certain region with a diameter up to 400 km.
  • Calculate a routing matrix with routes of arbitrary length given a predefined set of options that can be used with free-flow speed traffic applied.
  • Calculate a routing matrix with custom options, dynamic traffic, and no region size limitation, for up to 15 origins and 100 destinations or up to 100 origins and one (1) destination.

Some notable abilities and limitations of the service:

  • The service is particularly suitable for a large number of origins and destinations. The service can compute matrices up to 10,000 x 10,000. The matrices don't have to be square. For example, you might want to compute the distances from one origin to several destinations.
  • To enable custom options and dynamic traffic, the origins and destinations should be confined to a specific region, defined in the matrix request. The region can be a bounding box, polygon or circle with a maximum diameter of 400 km. It can be derived automatically from the provided origins and destinations. For more information, see Region.
  • To compute matrices with routes of arbitrary length without limitation of 400 km diameter region, the service offers a set of predefined profiles. These do not allow you to modify any options and compute matrices using free-flow speed based on historical traffic. For more information, see Profiles.
  • Alternatively, it's possible to compute matrices with routes of arbitrary length without specifying a profile, but only when the matrix size does not exceed 15x100 or 100x1. For more information, see Modes.
  • Matrix calculation can be performed for cars, trucks, pedestrians, bicycles, taxis, or scooters. When in truck mode, the matrix calculation can take into account special parameters, such as the weight and height of the truck. See Truck parameters. Similarly, scooter mode has a special parameter to allow routing through highways.
  • Traffic information can be taken into account during the matrix calculation. Depending on departure time, either live traffic or historical traffic patterns are used. For more information, see Traffic. This feature is available only for modes where a predefined profile is not specified.

To calculate a routing matrix, you must provide the following information to the service:

  • A list of origins and destinations, specified using geographic coordinates.
  • A geographical region which contains the coordinates and inside of which the routes will be calculated (see Region), or a profile which enables calculation of routes with arbitrary length but has only a predefined set of options available (see Profiles). Matrix requests of routes with arbitrary length and custom options are only available for matrices with a maximum size of 15x100 or 100x1.


When a feature is listed as available for matrices with a maximum size of N x M, that means that the number of origins must not exceed N and that the number of destinations must not exceed M. For example, if the maximum is defined as 15 x 100, a 16 x 50 matrix is over that limit.

Access to the Routing service in Japan region is restricted. If your business requires this, please contact HERE.

Taxi mode is in alpha state. It is not yet stable and behavior may change drastically, or even become unsupported, without warning.

For information on:

  • How to quickly set up and start using the Matrix Routing service, see Get started.
  • The terms and conditions covering this documentation, see the HERE Documentation License.
  • Data privacy is of fundamental importance to HERE and our customers. We practice data minimization and don't collect data we don't need. And we promote pseudonymity for data subjects wherever a service does not require personal information to function. We employ privacy by design in services we develop. We strive to go beyond mere regulatory compliance and make privacy an integral part of our corporate culture. We believe that our approach to privacy is vital to earning and retaining the trust of our customers - and the bedrock of our future success as a data-driven location platform. For more information on how data privacy is of fundamental importance to HERE and our customers, see the HERE Privacy Charter.

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