
The HERE Routing API is an HTTP JSON REST API that provides route calculation between two or more locations for several regions in the world. The HERE Routing API allows users to specify options that influence route calculation, as well as request additional information related to the route to suit specific needs.

The HERE Routing API supports the following use cases:

  • Create applications that enable turn-by-turn guidance.
  • Specify different means of transportation, such as car or truck, and return routes that are valid for that specific transport type.
  • Define custom penalty parameters to determine which road attributes to use in route calculation, such as toll roads, motorways, and boat and rail ferries.
  • Render the geographical representation of a route together with map data, so that the route is displayed on the map.
  • Support fleet tracking applications.
  • Support navigation and traffic on web portals and mobile devices.
  • Support freight and vehicle exchange portals.

/routes responses consist of a series of sections, which represent legs of the route, along with relevant information such as the route length and estimated travel time. Additional properties, such as the shape of the route as a flexible-polyline, can be optionally requested.

For information on how to quickly set up and start using the HERE Routing API, see Get started.

For the terms and conditions covering this documentation, see the HERE Documentation License.

Data privacy is of fundamental importance to HERE and our customers. We practice data minimization and don't collect data we don't need. And we promote pseudonymity for data subjects wherever a service does not require personal information to function. We employ privacy by design in services we develop. We strive to go beyond mere regulatory compliance and make privacy an integral part of our corporate culture. We believe that our approach to privacy is vital to earning and retaining the trust of our customers - and the bedrock of our future success as a data-driven location platform.

For more information on how data privacy is of fundamental importance to HERE and our customers, see the HERE Privacy Charter.

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