MapView Initialization

Despite the editions differences SDKs have similar general steps, required to execute SDK MapView initialization in application:

  • [ ] Acquire credentials.
  • [ ] Setup credentials.
  • [ ] Add the MapView using Storyboard (or programmatically).
  • [ ] Configure MapView.

Sample code for Navigate Edition MapView initialization can be found at GitHub

Acquire credentials

The Navigate Edition credentials can be used for any application id, while for Premium Edition each app requires a unique set of credentials generated per specific application bundle id. New credentials should be requested for migration, because existed for Premium Edition will not work in Navigate Edition and vice versa. Please contact your sales representative for credentials request.

Setup credentials

The similarity between editions is that SDK initialization code should be set at the earliest moment of application launch, before any call of HERE SDK API.

The Premium Edition setup code has SDK module import and API call for programmatic authentication.

import NMAKit

// To obtain the application credentials, please register at
let credentials = (
    appId: "{YOUR_APP_ID}",
    appCode: "{YOUR_APP_CODE}",
    licenseKey: "{YOUR_LICENSE_KEY}"

func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {

    // Set credentials at the application launch
    NMAApplicationContext.setAppId(credentials.appId, appCode: credentials.appCode, licenseKey: credentials.licenseKey)
    return true

The Premium Edition NMAApplicationContext.setAppId(: appcode: licenseKey:) method call can be implemented in Navigate Edition using next code block:

    let sdkOptions = SDKOptions(accessKeyId:id,
                                cachePath: cachePath)
    let sdkNativeEngine = SDKNativeEngine(options: sdkOptions)

In addition to setup credentials programmatically the Navigate Edition gives an application developer option for fast credentials setup using Info.plist, which can be used for internal purpose.

Add the MapView using Storyboard (or programmatically)

To add MapView using Storyboard developer need to add UIView object. Then configure this UIView object inside the Interface Builder window according to SDK edition.

  • For Premium Edition set Class NMAMapView.
  • For Navigate Edition set Class MapView and Module heresdk.

To add MapView programmatically:

1) Generate the MapView instance using ( NMAMapView(frame:) method for Premium OR MapView(frame:) method for Navigate Edition ) with non-zero frame.

2) Add instantiated MapView object on parentView using parentView.addSubview(mapView) called.

Configure MapView

After MapView is instantiated it can be configured to display the map area. Example of code to display the map at specific location are listed below.

Code for Premium Edition:

import NMAKit

class ViewController: UIViewController, NMAMapViewDelegate {

    @IBOutlet weak var mapView: NMAMapView!

    override func viewDidLoad() {

        let geoCenter = NMAGeoCoordinates.init(latitude: 52.518043, longitude: 13.405991)
        mapView.delegate = self
        mapView.set(geoCenter: geoCenter, animation: .none)

    func mapViewDidDraw(_ mapView: NMAMapView) {
        print("Callback: MapView \(mapView) was drawn")


The Premium Edition code sets the delegate and uses delegate method mapViewDidDraw:, while Navigate Edition uses completion handlers for actions that occurs one time and delegate for reoccurring events. The Navigate Edition code for MapView load has MapError, which helps to identify the initialization issue. Also, the Navigate Edition MapView has grouped and encapsulated functionality into new classes MapScene, Camera, Gestures. To show the area on MapView you need to call loadScene: completion: first. When the scene is ready you can adjust camera view point. The example of MapView configuration is listed below:

@IBOutlet weak var mapView: MapView!

override func viewDidLoad() {

    // Load the map scene using a map scheme to render the map with.
    mapView.mapScene.loadScene(mapScheme: MapScheme.normalDay, completion: onLoadScene)

// Completion handler when loading a map scene.
private func onLoadScene(mapError: MapError?) {
    guard mapError == nil else {
        print("Error: Map scene not loaded, \(String(describing: mapError))")

    // Configure the map.
    let camera =
    let distanceInMeters = MapMeasure(kind: .distance, value: 1000 * 10)
    camera.lookAt(point: GeoCoordinates(latitude: 52.518043, longitude: 13.405991),
                  zoom: distanceInMeters)

Now, when you implemented all these steps - build and run the application to see the map on screen.

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