Edit catalog metadata

Catalog metadata can be edited by anyone with manage permissions for the catalog. You can modify a catalog's name, summary, and description using the config API. For complete information on using the config API, see the API Reference.

To edit catalog metadata, follow these steps:

  1. Obtain an authorization token. For instructions, see the Identity & Access Management Guide.
  2. Use the API Lookup service to get the API endpoint for the config v1 API. For instructions, see the API Lookup Developer's Guide.
  3. Use this request to the config API to edit the catalog. Note that in the body of this request you must specify a complete set of metadata, including fields that you do not want to modify. For fields that you do not want to modify, specify the current value of the field. For fields you do want to modify, specify the new value for the field.
PUT /<Base path for the config API from the API Lookup Service>/catalogs/<Catalog HRN> HTTP/1.1
Host: <Hostname for the config API from the API Lookup Service>
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer <Authorization Token>
Cache-Control: no-cache

    "id": "<Catalog ID>",
    "name": "<Catalog Name>",
    "summary": "<Short description of catalog>",
    "description": "<Long description of catalog>"
  1. The response element href contains the URL where you can get the status of the catalog update process. For example:

     "title": "Catalog Update",
     "href": "https://config.data.api.platform.here.com/config/v1/status/da167243-13cd-1312-1b72-2z5d2dea7460",
     "type": "urn:olp-types:status"

    The URL returns the status while the catalog is being created. For example:

     "status": "pending"
  2. Once the catalog is updated, the URL will return the catalog metadata including changed and unchanged fields:

     "id": "<Catalog ID>",
     "name": "<Catalog Name>",
     "summary": "<Short description of catalog>",
     "description": "<Long description of catalog>",
     "owner": {
         "creator": {
             "id": "Mejk6DMxAq7kKI5lt2T2"
         "organisation": {
             "id": "olp-here-test"
     "tags": [],
     "billingTags": [],
     "created": "2018-01-25T21:39:55.224Z",
     "layers": [],
     "version": 2

For complete information on using the config service, see the API Reference.

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    No results matching ""