Create a layer

Once you have created a catalog, you can create or add layers to it. A layer represents and contains a set of data objects which have similar functional properties. There are different types of layers which can be configured to optimize data access characteristics for specific use case and business needs. For example, the object store layer provides storage for independent objects identified by hierarchic keys. The versioned layer supports a consistent set of big data partitions with uniform key and data format. Non-functional layer properties enable optimization of cost and performance.

When creating a layer, consider what layers you need based on what data you want to ingest and how you want to logically organize that data.

Choose a schema

Schemas define the organization of data in a layer, including the structure of the data and its content. When you create a layer, you can specify a schema for the layer. You can leverage any of the existing schemas available in the HERE platform, assuming you can find one which represents the same data type and construct of your data. If none of the existing schemas match your data, you can create your own schema. For more information, see Create a schema.

HERE recommends that you specify a schema for each layer in your catalog, although it is possible to not have a schema for a layer. For more information, see Schemas.

Create a layer

To create a layer using the HERE platform portal, follow these steps:

  1. Click Data.
  2. Browse to the catalog that you want to contain the new layer and select the catalog to open it.
  3. Click Add New Layer.
  4. Define the metadata for the layer by filling in the following fields.

    • Layer Name: A user-friendly name for the layer that is displayed when browsing layers.
    • Layer ID: The ID to use when referring to this layer programmatically. Layer IDs must be unique within the catalog.
    • Layer Summary: A brief description of the data in the layer.
    • Layer Description: A detailed description of the layer and what it contains.
    • Tags: Keywords that help find the catalog when searching in the platform portal.
    • Cost Allocation Tags: One or more free-form tags which are used to group billing records together.
  5. Select a layer type. For information about the layer types, see Layers.

  6. Configure the layer. For more information for configuring each layer type, see:

  7. Click Save. It may take a few minutes to create the layer. You will see a notification banner when the layer is created, and the layer will appear in the catalog.

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