
HERE Administrative Regions, like all catalogs in the GeoJSON Map Components collection, organizes map data by several versioned layers. This data specification provides information on the HERE Administrative Regions catalog which contains the Administrative Divisions layer.

A single catalog version number is assigned to the entire catalog. When HERE updates a catalog, its version number is incremented. Catalog layers and partitions can be retrieved by version while preserving consistency between all published content. This allows you to select and process only the data of interest, or to process only specific changes within a layer. For information on using versioned layers, see Layers in the Data User Guide.


Some property definitions are of the generated anonymous type. For the purposes of readability, generated anonymous type property sets have been given titles based on the closest associated property within the documentation.

For example, chainsItems contains a set of generated anonymous type properties collectively referred to as chainsItems due to the set's relationship to the chains property (chainsItems from: chains + items).

Generated anonymous type property sets are introduced with text supplying the origin of the set's title, such as the following:

"Generated anonymous type: paymentCash from: payment + cash."

Administrative Divisions Layer Overview

The Administrative Divisions layer contains the hierarchy (for example, Chicago, Cook County, Illinois, United States) and attributes for each administrative area in the HERE map.

Administrative Divisions Layer Usage

The Administrative Divisions layer can be used for:

  • Map display
  • Navigation / situational awareness (through admin-specific content)
  • Search
  • Geo-coding
  • Destination selection
  • GIS analysis for city planning

Administrative Divisions Layer Properties

The following table provides the data source identifier as well as the link to the HERE Administrative Divisons layer in the HERE platform.

Catalog Name HERE Administrative Regions
HERE Resource Name hrn:here:data::olp-here-map:here-product-primitives-admin-regions-geojson-ext-v1
Layer ID admin-divisions
Portal hrn:here:data::olp-here-map:here-product-primitives-admin-regions-geojson-ext-v1/admin-divisions
Schema jsonSchema/mom/Admin.json
Partitioning Type Generic Partitioning (Partition ID is Admin Feature ID)
Content Type GeoJSON
Tags Admin, Administrative Area, Administrative Divisions, Postal Code, Country Metadata
Geography World Coverage

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