Invite users

Org admins and Org Inviters can invite users to an organization.

Follow the steps, below to invite new users to your organization and, optionally, to a group you administer.

  1. Open the Access Manager from the Launcher.
  2. On the Users or Pending invitations tab, click Invite new users.
  3. Enter the name and email address of the new user.
  4. If you want to make this user a member of a group that you administer, click Add this user to a group and select a group. You must be a Group Admin to use this option.
  5. If you want to invite more than one user at a time, click + Create another invite for each additional user.
  6. Click Send Invite. A notification that the invitation has been sent is shown. Navigate to the Pending invitation tab to view sent invitations.

All users must have a HERE platform account. For instructions on how to activate your HERE account, see your invitation email.

To close this page, click Cancel. Note that you lose all your changes if you leave the page without clicking Send Invite.


For instructions on how to turn existing users into admins, see Manage Users.

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