Manage users

If you're an Org admin, you are able to perform the following user management operations:

  • Assign roles to users
  • Deactivate and delete users

Assign / unassign roles to a user

Org Admins can assign roles to both users and apps. To assign a role to a user:

  1. Open the Access Manager from the Launcher.
  2. On the Users tab, hover over the user whose permissions you want to change.
  3. Click the ellipsis menu associated with the user, then click the desired role to assign or remove from the user.

You can also change the roles for a user by clicking the More button in the top right on the user details page.

As always, utilize "principle of least privilege" best practices and only assign necessary roles. Apps having the Org Admin role, for example, will have full rights to manage users, apps and resources in your Org.

To deactivate / activate a user

  1. Open the Access Manager from the Launcher.
  2. On the Users tab, hover over the user to deactivate.
  3. Click the ellipsis menu associated with the user. Click Deactivate account to deactivate the user. Deactivated user accounts can be reactivated by hovering over the listed user and clicking "Activate account"

You can also activate and deactive a user on the user details page.

To delete a user

  1. Open the Access Manager from the Launcher.
  2. On the Users tab, click on the list user to open the users detail page. **Before deleting the user, it is recommended to review the groups and apps the user manages. Either remove the groups and apps managed by this user or ensure they are managed by other users in the Org.
  3. On the users detail page, click on Delete user from the More menu.
  4. Confirm that deleting the user account will revoke all of the user's permissions and remove the user from all groups.


Deleted user accounts cannot be restored.

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