Indoor positioning FAQ

This FAQ provides answers to frequently asked questions about indoor positioning.

Is my Bluetooth™ beacon or Wi-Fi compatible with the indoor positioning service?

Compatibility with the indoor positioning service is determined on a case-by-case basis. Radio infrastructure requirements are covered in the section Radio infrastructure in Add indoor positioning.

What type of security protection is used?

For information on security measures and data protection, see the Identity & Access Management Developer Guide.

Are Android and iOS operating systems supported?

Indoor positioning is available for both Android and iOS. Android supports Bluetooth™ and Wi-Fi based positioning, while iOS only supports Bluetooth™ based positioning due to restrictions on the iOS operating system.

The Signal Collection application, used to collect signal data, is only available for Android, therefore Bluetooth™ and Wi-Fi signals can be captured simultaneously.

Which Bluetooth™ versions are supported by the indoor positioning service?

Beacons must support Eddystone or iBeacon™ transmissions. Bluetooth™ versions 5.0, 5.1, and 5.2 are supported.

How accurate is the indoor positioning service?

The accuracy of the indoor positioning service ranges from 3 to 10 meters.

Does HERE offer an on-premise solution?

No, the solution is not available as an on-premise solution. HERE Professional Services may offer additional support depending on the exact requirements, such as for a hybrid mode.

Does the service rely on mobile devices establishing a connection to the Wi-Fi network?

Users are not required to connect to the Wi-Fi network.

Does the solution minimize the load on the user's internet connection?

Data connectivity is required for downloading HERE Indoor Map(s) and indoor positioning data on a device. Once these are downloaded, HERE Indoor Maps and indoor positioning can run offline.

Does HERE offer Flutter indoor positioning SDK?

The Flutter SDK is not currently available.

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